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Wolf's Pawn Chapter 4: The Refugees (Part 5)

      There could’ve been a lot more to smooth out had Sajani not been so forgiving. She’d seen officers like Major Fagen plenty of times during her service in the army and understood how grueling it could be for someone like that to measure up in a military structure. It wasn’t like she felt that excused the major’s behavior and she did nothing to counter Colonel Hene’s veiled statements about disciplinary action against the officer, but she wanted to move forward which meant concentrating on the refugees, not petty side squabbles.

      The situation was worse than she thought it’d be. These people traveled a great distance, often at the cost of proper food, shelter, and clothing. The feet of most were worn and bloodied from walking unshod and there were a few who had to be moved by cart or the grace of others.

      A vykati with tan colored fur and carrying a small human girl in his arms called out to her and she cautiously approached. His clothing was in better shape and more expensive than many of the others and he looked like he traveled less far. “Food, gentle lady,” he said weakly. “It’s not for me, but little Narse here. She’s so weak and so tired. I promised her mother…” he began coughing uncontrollably.

      Doc Cutter ran up to them and placed a hand on the little girl’s forehead. “Might be just a fever,” he said with some hope to his voice. He gently forced her mouth open to look inside and pushed up her eyelids to get a better look into her eyes. She didn’t fight him at all. Placing his fingers beneath her wrists, he took her pulse and then watched the skin as he released her. “She’s very dehydrated. I’ll need something to put water in…” he began glancing around and looked hopefully at Sajani.

      “Sorry Doc,” she said quietly, shrugging her shoulders. She turned to Chass and said, “Find a barrel, a crate, anything.” The large wolf started off.

      Meanwhile, Doc Cutter spread out a blanket he borrowed from the vykati and began casting. Food appeared on the blanket, enough to feed quite a few. Sajani picked up some and began passing it around. She was worried people would crowd them, but most were too weak to move, having given up just enough energy to get to the outskirts of the city. All were grateful for what was given, and none asked for more.

      Chass returned with a large barrel under each arm. Doc Cutter cast a spell to fill them with water and cupped his hand to bring some to the little girl. She drank very little, and Doc spilled the rest over her body. “Hopefully we can get the fever in check. I’m not sure if she’s sick or if it’s just a reaction from lack of water.” Chass handed him an old military tin cup. Doc filled it and handed it to the vykati refugee. “Keep giving her water a little at a time…,” he said carefully. The man nodded. “…and make sure you get some as well. You’ll need your strength. I’ll be back in an hour to see if that fever’s broken.”

      They went from place to place. Sajani and Doc healed those who needed it, and when they were out of healing, they made their way through the masses doing what they could. Doc and Chass both sacrificed their uniform tops to be cut down for bandages. There were many more to treat. She took a break at one point to meet up with Ghenis and find out what he learned about the blockade.

      “They don’t know if there’s a plague,” he told her, “but there is a fear the elves might have caused one. Rumors travel faster than refugees. Until they know for sure, they’re blocking off the city. They won’t stop them from passing around, though. They’re welcome to continue their retreat as long as they don’t enter the city itself.”

      “They’ve probably already been through many cities.”

      “Yes,” he said. “These are the ones who left in the greatest hurry. We’ll see the better prepared ones in a couple days if you plan on staying around.”

      She wasn’t sure what she planned. Originally, she hoped to gather information, but the state of these people was such she didn’t dare bring up past terrors. Even so, she wasn’t sure what they could tell her that Ginger wasn’t already working out from the captured vehicles. If she stayed here, she’d be tempted to just continue to help.

      “There she is!” Tess interrupted her thoughts. She and Ginger were rushing towards them. “Thank Indira we found you. We need to head out soon!” Ginger nodded in support—so did his cat, who was up on his shoulders.

      “The elves know where we are. We need to go before they arrive.”


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