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Wolf's Pawn Chapter 5: Zenache (Part 1)

The travel through Rhidayar was slow and uneventful. To avoid the constant flow of refugees, they kept off the roads. That wasn’t a problem for the hovering transports in most cases, although the thick underbrush and heavy foliage slowed them occasionally. What slowed them most was not having enough transports for all the troops. She considered picking up a couple wagons, but there wasn’t a consistent way to keep horses fed. Tess suggested a steam carriage, but not only was the cost prohibitive, Sajani was reasonably sure they wouldn’t be able to use them off the roads.

      The troops took it all in stride. She rotated through everyone, except Ambassador Ghenis and Doc Cutter, to make sure there was one day of riding for every two days of walking. Some had to ride outside the vehicle, but with how hot and humid it was that was considered a privilege. They usually traveled for about eight hours with an hour break in the middle. This left them time to forage for food in the evenings. The jungle had no shortage of game or water. Each evening they put out the two barrels they carried with them and each morning they left with both full of fresh rainwater.

      She managed to get some rations before they left, but she planned on saving those for an emergency. It was better to keep getting what they could while traveling. Ginger and a soldier named Tenner, who seemed to be somewhat mechanically inclined, used the evenings to work on researching some of the elf technology. It was a slow and arduous process Sajani was glad to leave to someone else. Benayle liked to pretend he understood things like that, despite having no aptitude for it. The copper wolf’s aptitude was identical, but she felt no need to pretend.

      The route was simple enough. She stayed in the jungles surrounding the Varkyl Mountains and then circled around on the west side of Vidava. Rhidayar troops were massing around the major cities, even as people fled. She rarely ran into either on the path she was taking and when she did, it wasn’t much of a problem to pass them. The soldiers and civilians had never seen transports like theirs, and in many cases, were too panicked to care.

      It was a walking day for her, Tess, and Chass. They were scouting ahead to find the best route for the transports. It usually meant just traveling straight forward and making sure the yellow flag attached to Chass’s back stayed in sight, but occasionally it meant having to replace the flag with an orange one while they searched for a way around a fallen tree or large rock. At first she wasn’t sure how the transports would handle the occasional stream, but it had no problem just hovering over water. It made Sajani wonder if they could also be used as boats.

      The copper wolf tried very hard to make sure she didn’t become complacent while scouting. She stressed to her soldiers over and over the importance of staying vigilant, even though they were still passing through safe territory. Ginger was doing his best to keep them updated on enemy movements, but there was a substantial learning curve on the foreign equipment.

      Just because she knew not to let her guard down, and just because she constantly reminded others not to do it, didn’t mean she was immune. It was the same brown, green, blue pattern day after day after day and on this particular day, she was having a lot of trouble keeping her concentration up. It wasn’t that she failed to get enough sleep, instead she was finding herself somewhat blinded to things on the outside as she kept concentrating more and more on the days to come.

      Because of this, she had no idea why Tess told Chass to change to the purple flag to warn the others of an unknown situation. She glanced questioningly over at Tess. The former sergeant had the presence of mind to not chide the lady about her lack of observation, but instead just calmly pointed straight ahead.

      Sajani didn’t need to step forward to see it once she was looking. It was hidden a little behind the undergrowth, but the item in question was a very bright yellow tarpaulin hung over a rope to form a makeshift tent. She could smell the acrid scent from the remains of a fire, now that she put her mind to it. They were all holding quite still and listening carefully when a very deep male voice started booming out a song in the common tongue. There was a very heavy Zenache accent to it, but the voice was well tuned and had the support which only came with some formal training.

      I went looking for beer in Rhidayar.

      In Dargaleck I went looking for rum,

      But at those places they only had water.

      If I wanted a drink I had to go home.

      Sajani glanced back at Tess and Chass, both of whom were wearing very confused looks. She shrugged and then, pointing once to herself and then toward the shelter ahead, she started cautiously moving forward to get a better look.

      Vharkylia had not heard of dark ale

      And the Jzianrhun rice wine is too weak

      If you want something vim and zeal

      ‘tis the beer of Zenache you seek!

      She managed to get right up to the closest tree bearing up the shelter and slung her bow over her shoulder. She cautiously looked to the source of the singing.

      You can keep the wolves’ fancy fruit juices.

      You can pour that rice wine down the drain!

      The worst drink my homeland produces

       Better flavor and color sustain.

      The singer was a human with dark hair and a bare barrel shaped chest. His red and brown striped trousers hung off a set of burgundy suspenders which somehow made Sajani briefly miss Simon. His feet were bare, and it looked like he must’ve recently awoken. He was standing next to a chipped porcelain basin set on top of an oversized makeshift backpack. His face had been heavily lathered at one point, but by this time was mostly shaved. Sajani found herself wondering how he managed while singing so joyously—and without a mirror. Apparently now they got to hear the chorus.

      Give me the darkest of ales from Yasef.

      Give me the best of the beers of Eborhoff!

      I’ll take mead from the emperor’s palace!

      And wine from the vines of Bath-Kanov!

      At this point, the man turned and noticed Sajani crouched low in the bushes. The song ceased, and a smile crossed his face. He bowed deeply before Sajani had a chance to respond and said in an impressive humanized version of Vykati, “A noble wolf has come to honor my performance. Step closer and we’ll share song and drink together.”

      She smiled back and rose to signal Tess and Chass it was safe. There could be enemies hidden beyond the itinerate singer, but she seemed to instinctively know two things. She knew this man wasn’t a threat, and she knew that, somehow, she’d like him. Later she’d learn she’d been wrong about one of those, but for now…

      She took a couple steps forward and the man took her hand in his and bowed even lower. “I’m a writer and singer called Fenther Black, formerly of the Zenache town of Eborhoff. I must say, you’re truly the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

      Wolves don’t blush and neither do vykati, but Sajani did feel a little heat around the sides of her mouth as he said that. She laughed deeply, again reminded of Simon, who never got a response like that from her, no matter how hard he tried to buck the old adage.

      “How odd, kind sir,” she responded in the little Zenache she knew, “to have grown so old and never met a woman.”

      It was Fenther’s turn to laugh, and his laugh was deep and robust and alive. About this time Tess and Chass appeared from behind the tree. Fenther walked up to Tess, took her hand and bowed. “The jungle hides the greatest beauties of all Terah,” he said with a touch of sincere awe in his voice. Tess just looked confused as she slowly bent her wrist and took her hand back. Chass rolled his eyes, which gave Sajani the impression they heard at least part of the prior exchange.

      “I’m Lady Sajani Adida,” she said placing her hand on her chest and them motioning to the other two vykati in turn. “This is Kaeya Tess and Vaeman Chass.”

      Fenther rose from his bow and turned to shake Chass’s hand vigorously. Chass responded good-naturedly. He even seemed a little impressed by the human, perhaps because the singer showed no hesitation despite the more than half meter difference between the two men. Fenther turned to face Sajani and said with a touch of skepticism in his voice, “Lady General Sajani? The copper wolf has come to my part of the world?”

      Sajani didn’t hesitate despite the fact her two companions seemed slightly taken aback. The lady struck a pose and said somewhat regally, “I am and I have. What have you heard of me?”

      “Only that you’re the minister of war for Vharkylia,” he said simply, “and some in my country’s military respect you.”

      “I resigned my post and am making my way to take on the elf attackers. You’re with the Zenache military?”

      “No, my lady. I’m just a humble singer and writer as I said.” He then gave out another deep laugh. “Take on the elves? You must not know what you’re up against or you’re not really the lady general. Even she wouldn’t dare such a death mission. She’d end up just as her mother did…”

      Fenther didn’t have the chance to finish what he was saying. There was a chime of metal against metal. Sajani knocked the man back and pointed her black blade directly at the man’s throat. The she-wolf glared down at him with a fire in her eyes that made him look away instinctively. A low growl came from her throat as she said, “Maybe. But I’ll die as she did, protecting the wolves of Vharkylia.”

            No one in her land would dare say such a thing to her face. If her own battle prowess and skill wasn’t enough to keep them in line, fear of what other vykati might do was more than sufficient. But human etiquette and vykati etiquette aren’t the same thing. 


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